Monday, March 17, 2014

Could This Be Another Batch Of Lying Deputies?

In mid 2011 another “Archangels” female client learned that she had been improperly and illegally run on the DAVID (Drivers and Vehicles Identification Databank) in violation of the DPPA (Drivers Privacy and Protection Act).  Seventy-Nine St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office deputies were just a few of the many from various sheriff’s offices who had been stalking her on the computers.  She immediately sent letters to the many departments and SLCSO Lieutenant Hostetler of the Internal Affairs Unit conducted an incomplete and bogus investigation into the matter.  Here are just four of the many, many, violations.  But you be the judge…….

Deputy Sean Freeman: Ran the victim 15 times and Hostetler’s report about all stated “no valid reason.”  
            (Note - The 5th and 6th times the victim was in the hospital giving birth.  There couldn't have been a valid reason, but Hostetler never checked)

Deputy Randy Tucker ran the victim 2 times and Hostetler’s report states that he was in training with a field training officer.  There is no indication that Hostetler even contacted the FTO.  Why is a trainee even running a deputy in the first place?   There is no indication of any disciplinary action being taken.
            (Note – Those are the exact same dates as above where she was in the hospital.  There couldn't have been a valid reason, but Hostetler never checked)

Deputy Christopher Gordineer:  Ran the victim 21 times. 

Note - 3-13-11 is the only one marked with a reason which states “BOLO (Be on the lookout) LEO “Law Enforcement Officer reasons.” “Archangels” has verified that there was no BOLO and that statement is absolutely false.  There is no indication if Hostetler even verified Gordineer’s statement.

Deputy Dennis Bernas: Ran victim on 7-18-06. 

 Note - Bernas made a false statement claiming he ran the victim in regards to an incident that had occurred several years after he ran her.  That false statement could have been easily disproven, but there is no indication that Hostetler even attempted to verify Bernas' statement.  Bernas was a Lieutenant on the SlCSO and the victim was still employed there at that time.

But wait there’s more!

In his report, Lieutenant Hostetler appears to have spent more time slandering the victim which had absolutely no bearing on her being illegally “stalked” on DAVID.  That was obviously done to justify the illegal and improper conduct of the deputies. ( “Archangels” has redacted that information from the attached exhibits)  He apparently did take some disciplinary actions against some of the deputies, however the fact that they lied during an Internal Affairs investigation was never investigated in order to apparently cover-up their criminal conduct.  By the way, lying during an IA investigation is a crime under Florida law punishable by prosecution and termination of employment.

QUESTIONS: Do you think that Lieutenant Hostetler’s investigation was thorough and complete?  Do you think that he is an expert in creating a cover-up?  Are you concerned that someone like him wears a badge?   Do you wonder what other criminal conduct of “Good Ole Boy” deputy friends he has covered-up?  And how many deputies that are not “Good Ole Boys” he has screwed out of their jobs and pensions?  Did you know that it takes a certain breed to do what people like him do?  Do the words dishonest, no conscience, and a waste of taxpayer money fit the bill?   Does it seem that there is a pattern beginning to be evident?  Let’s all work to get rid of people like this and replace them with honest and ethical public employees.  REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU VOTE!

Authored by Ira B. Robins                                                            Salvatore E. Rastrelli

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Are some of the Indian River County Sheriff’s Deputies liars?

In 2011, one of “Archangels’ female clients filed a complaint with the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office regarding her being stalked by various deputies on the DAVID (Drivers and Vehicle Information Databank) which is a violation of the Drivers Privacy and Protection Act.  “Archangels” had previously obtained information from the State of Florida that she had been illegally run through the computer system more than six hundred times and her husband had been  run two hundred times.  Not to mention her sisters being run another 200 hundred times.  The woman was requesting the reasons those deputies had been looking at her personal information.  For the record the woman had formerly been an IRCSO Deputy Sheriff and is extremely good looking having played the character “Snow White” at Disney World.

On July 20, 2011 IRCSO Lieutenant Darrell Mullinax authored reports related to interviews he had conducted with 4 of those deputies including: John Carter, David Wright, Scott Prouty & Jeff Ledlow.   They provided the attached answers which were documented by the Lieutenant (Attached).  In essence, those deputies claimed that they had been checking various vehicles by license number and one of the license numbers was hers.  That information was absolutely false.  State records obtained by “Archangels” (Attached) clearly show that those deputies actually ran her information using her name not her license plate number.  Furthermore, Lieutenant Mullinax never verified the information they provided which resulted in him covering-up of the truth.  For your information, the female former deputy has filed a lawsuit against those deputies and the IRCSO seeking statutory damages for the illegal searching of her personal information.  

But now that those deputies, along with others, have lied they may have enjoined themselves in a punitive damages award.  That means, the taxpayers could be stuck paying not only the damages for the violations of the actual privacy act violations but the “punishment” because those deputies lied.  But, that is the only way to stop those intrusive acts by government officials.  When taxpayers are forced to pay the bill and become outraged those illegal acts will stop.  

QUESTIONS:  Did David Wright leave IRCSO under a cloud for running a Brevard County woman he had met one time on Facebook?  Do you believe that IRSCO deputies are all honest.  Do you think that Lieutenant Mullinax did a fine job or should he be replaced by an honest responsible person who will seek the truth?  Or by a monkey?  Do you think that “Archangels” will provide more perjured reports soon?  Do you think they have more against IRCSO deputies and other sheriff’s offices?  YOU BETTER BELIEVE THEY DO!  More in the works.  

Authored by Ira B. Robins                                                            Salvatore E. Rastrelli

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Could This Be A Mistake?                                                       

In 2006 Martin County Sheriff William Snyder ran for Florida State Representitive against Cathrine Hilton. The news and literature at the time claimed that he was married with three children.  However, recently obtained documents from THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GUAM (that's right Guam) clearly show that Snyder and his wife were separated on or about June 13, 2004 and divorced March 3, 2005. 

QUESTIONS: Could it be that Snyder, who claims to be a fine Christian man, did not want to disclose that he was not so fine as he represented?  Doesn't this show just how deceitful he really can be?  Why would he have to secretly divorce in Guam?  Did he think people would never find out about the when and where of his divorce?  Didn't he realize that "Archangels" would eventually bring it to light?  STAY TUNED?

Authored by Ira B. Robins                                                            Salvatore E. Rastrelli