Thursday, February 19, 2015


Archangels of Justice has learned that in October of 2014, Martin County Sheriff William D. Snyder apparently made false representations to Eagle Benefits by Design, the organization that oversees employee and retiree benefit packages, in an illegal attempt to recover a small portion of the funds that he is responsible for misusing.  All employees of MCSO have always paid a portion of their health insurance plan and they expect that to continue.  However, Snyder has decided to classify "all" retirees as “smokers”, whether they smoke or not, which has increased their share by more than double.  As we have reported earlier, he has obviously misspent taxpayer funds by using deputies to repay contributors to his campaign, misusing manpower and on his personal toys.  And now, he is apparently attempting to use employee pocketbooks to cover-up his own personal shortcomings.

To a room full of retirees a few weeks ago Snyder stated, in summary; 'that since many of the retirees live out of state, he had no way of identifying the smokers from non-smokers'.  That is exactly the manner of investigation the Martin County Sheriff’s Office, under Snyder, uses to prosecute people and conversely clear deputies of misbehavior or criminal violations. 

Salvatore Rastrelli, one of the retirees, isn't taking this obvious fraud lying down.  Rastrelli also known as one of the Archangels of Justice has filed complaints with Blue Cross Blue Shield as well as the State of Florida and both agree that what Snyder has done is unlawful.  The Archangels of Justice are very vocal and completely dedicated to exposing corruption on a national level, having just returned from Illinois where Rastrelli and Ira B. Robins have exposed corruption in high profile murder cases, even submitting a sworn affidavit to three US Congressmen who are hand delivering it to the FBI in Washington DC.

“Fraud and extortion is being slammed down the throats of retirees that have served this community well and we will not let Snyder get away with it. If we don't pay the new fraudulent rate our insurance benefits will be dropped.” stated Rastrelli.

QUESTIONS:  Is Snyder a criminal?  Did you know that taxpayers are paying for the billboards that pretend he is a great leader when he is not?  Do you still want him leading MCSO to the bottom?  Did you know that you can elect someone who is honest?  Tell your friends!

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