Friday, January 31, 2014

Greetings Friends of Archangels Of Justice                  MCSO - PART 4

“Archangel with Horns” was going over some public records the other day when he uncovered another travesty perpetrated by the so-called sheriff of MCSO, Bill Snyder.  It seems that Snyder has an affinity for people that have questionable moral character as his support staff.  To make it worse, he actually rewards these people instead of punishing them for their bad deeds.  The particular individual of today's topic has a history of misconduct that predates Snyder coming onto the scene, but as you will see Snyder has rewarded him the most.  Why?  Aren't we supposed to be able to trust our police not to break the law?

Some twenty odd years ago the deputy of today's article had a marked police car issued to him by MCSO, then Sheriff Holt.  It seems that the deputy did not like the hubcaps on his shiny police car and wished for another set.  Inside the MCSO locked fenced compound was a shiny, brand new Ford Crown Victoria that caught his eye.  He lusted for those pretty hubcaps that adorned that new police car, which he coveted for his own.  He climbed the fence with burglary tools in hand and removed those hubcaps to put on his car.  While removing the hubcaps, he noticed that there were inventory labels on the inside of the hubcaps.  In his excited state of mind he decided he should remove those labels as to disguise the identity of the hubcaps in case he was caught at a later date.  Satisfied with his act of subterfuge, he placed the hubcaps on his car and replaced the new ones with his old ones on the new car. {no one is ever going to notice} Wrong!  The Fleet Maintenance supervisor was a stickler for keeping the police cars in pristine condition and noticed there was something amiss with the new police car.  He called detectives and the crime scene unit responded.  They took pictures and observed on the ground the torn labels from the stolen hubcaps.  Very quickly they surmised what had happen and all that needed to be done was find the shiny hubcaps on an old police car. The not so intelligent deputy that took the hubcaps was rounded up very quickly.  The hubcaps were removed from his car, where lo and behold the crime scene detectives noticed the remnants of the torn labels.  A fracture match was made by the comparing the torn labels from the ground to the remnants left on the hubcaps. The culprit was caught, admonished and allowed to keep his job, since honesty isn't all that important. 

A few years later under a new sheriff this neophyte, whom really didn't like to work real hard and was sort of a rabble rouser, got involved with the Union {PBA}...Well, he never really had much going for him, but this put him in the limelight so a promotion was in order to shut him up. Not satisfied with sergeant stripes he decided to marry a prominent politician where upon he miraculously was promoted to Lieutenant. {Yes. promoted again for doing nothing}  As time rolled on there were the assorted rumors and car crashes that normally would cause a lesser deputy to be in trouble, but this guy was connected.

Interestingly enough, the sheriff {Crowder} was retiring and an election was going to take place. Enter Snyder, Dees, Ski and some unknown friend of Snyder.  At any rate this fast moving, do nothing Lieutenant saw an opportunity to move up another rank. Taking the bull by the horns he decided to back Snyder's bid for sheriff with gusto in the hope and promise of another promotion.  Posting signs and campaigning like a madman he happily whistled while he worked, much like one of Santa's elves as Christmas nears.  Oh no!  Two people have decided they are not going to support Snyder's campaign for sheriff.  Who are these deviates?  As a campaign manager he must find out, this person could destroy his chances at promotion if Snyder doesn't get elected..Run, Run to the DAVID (Drivers And Vehicle Information Databank) System and look up these non believers to identify them.  Those people are a normal family with children, one who happens to be a police officer in a nearby town.  Thus a complaint is filed against this Lieutenant who illegally used the DAVID system for political reasons and while on duty to boot. An Internal Affairs investigation ensues, but alas, his connections are so strong that he simply is reprimanded even though he broke the Law as a police officer.....He even very apparently lied to the internal affair’s investigators but that too was covered up.  The victims are brushed aside, even though their complaint is valid and nothing happens to the criminal, except a little reprimand.

Snyder wins the election!  Yippy, the lieutenant is so happy he can't contain himself and he struts around like he owns the place.  There is, and was, an MCSO written policy in place that states no one can be promoted within one year of any disciplinary actions.  He has no fear since his boy won the election and he knows he's getting Captains bars and at least a ten thousand dollar a year raise even though his misconduct would have been the downfall of any other deputy.   Sure enough a whole 5 months after his illegal acts, he is promoted by Snyder the day he takes the oath of office of Sheriff.  Since then, he has already received a citizen’s complaint alleging that he pushed and chest bumped that individual without proper cause.  That complaint went nowhere.   Presently, this new captain is instrumental in the destruction of the traffic unit, training, and school resource unit as he promotes people that only have his interests and their own in mind.  Excellent deputies with great track records and exemplary training are being forced out of jobs, to be replaced by the captain and sheriff's "Good Ol Boys."   Disgusting.

So breaking the law is rewarded by this new sheriff.  But wait he only rewards his friends.  He fires young, single, mothers, that used the DAVID system.  Do you still think the new sheriff is a winner?   Or a Loser?  Where has integrity gone?  Where is the trust?  Where is honesty and truth?  We've spoken before about his shared vision.  Is this another example of shared vision? Corruption?   Law breaking?  Look at Snyder’s past promises; saving money, best of the best, supporting local business and infrastructure.  Is promoting liars, thieves and cheats a good shared vision?  Do you know that being a leader, you must set goals by example?  So by promoting people like the ones we have exposed to you, actually promoted Bad Behavior.  How long will it be before our good cops turn bad, just so they can be rewarded?

Archangel With Horns and Archangel With The Bad Attitude


QUESTIONS:  Are these the same people who "enforce" the law?  Did you know that their families are also immune from prosecution?  Did you know that Archangels Of Justice will soon be reporting about how they cover up the criminal conduct of their friends?

Authored by:  Ira B. Robins          Salvatore Rastrelli

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