Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Archangels of Justice on Facebook has its work cut out for them.

How many of you have viewed Archangels of Justice on Facebook?  They have been posting information about many cases of injustice at the hands of unethical and criminal law enforcement personnel.  While there are many good law enforcement officers there are a tremendous amount of bad ones who need to be exposed.  And Archangels of Justice will expose them.  They know who they are: people who float to the top of the cesspool we call the criminal justice system and include: corrupt politicians, judges who do favors or take/solicit out right bribes, lazy prosecutors, and other forms of lowlife. We can picture them giving each other "high fives" after they intentionally screw one of us.  Or prosecutors sharing laughs with defense attorneys at lunch.  When will they remove their heads from their rear ends and begin to understand that they work for us and not against us?  It will take a while but groups like Archangels of Justice will continue to expose those wrongdoers until they are run out of town.  Keep watching and Archangels of Justice will keep exposing these bums for what they are.  Bums!

Please view the videos on Facebook/Archangels of Justice as we expose corruption and attempt to force a change in the manner we are treated by law enforcement.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


QUESTIONS: How much money did it cost Rick Scott to buy re-election?  Did the “Good Ole Boys” that he protected from repercussions for their unethical and criminal conduct chip in?  Was Charlie Crist so pathetic that he even couldn’t raise enough money to beat a loser?  Doesn’t it appear that scum has now risen to the top of the cesspool that has become Florida State Government?

Watch our new Archangels of Justice/Experts Are Saying You Tube Channel for updates on law enforcement corruption.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Hi All,

 Please check out the start of our new You Tube Channel.

We will be featuring videos of wrongdoing in law enforcement, important information about current cases and events, and our expert opinions. We really don't care who we anger because we only pursue people whose misconduct deserves to be exposed. We will also be recognizing police officers and deputies whose performance shows a higher level of honesty, ethics, and dedication to duty.

You can watch our beginning videos at::