Thursday, May 22, 2014

"Archangels" sent this letter to Governor Scott with a copy to SA Aronberg!

Archangels of Justice
May 22, 2014
Governor Rick Scott
State of Florida
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001

Dear Governor Scott,

On December 29, 2013, we sent you a letter requesting an “…immediate investigation into the alleged criminal conduct of Lieutenant (now Captain) Michael Ewing and the ensuing cover-up by officials of the Martin County Sheriff’s Office and others.”

In late April, 2014, we accidently learned that pursuant to our request for a change in prosecutor you assigned Palm Beach County State Attorney David A. Aronberg. That was to review and prosecute the matter “…to avoid a conflict of interest or any appearance of impropriety…” similar to the conflict regarding State Attorney Bruce Colton.  Mr. Colton is a friend of MCSO Sheriff Snyder who should be considered a main suspect in the matter.  One day after we published your change of State Attorney his investigators began to contact our witnesses.  How convenient.

We immediately informed you of the connections between Mr. Aronberg and Sheriff Snyder and requested still another prosecutor be assigned in the interest of honesty and integrity but to date Aronberg continues to remain on the case.  That in itself appears to be another conflict of interest and gives an appearance or stink if you will of impropriety. Why would you put Aronberg in the position of receiving a professional complaint and why would you open him and yourself up to more public criticism? Is maintaining the cover-up worth it?  While your cronies will probably do nothing to you or Aronberg for the conflict of interest or cover-up the voters will have the final say.  We believe that assigning a new State Attorney, with no connection to the parties involved, is necessary to preserve the integrity of the State of Florida.  Please do so immediately.
Thank you very much.

Salvatore E. Rastrelli                                                                 Ira B. Robins
Cc: David A. Aronberg

3110 South East Slater Street

QUESTIONS: Why would Aronberg want to expose himself to a professional complaint?  Does he know that the process against attorneys is rigged?  That nothing will happen to him for an obvious conflict of interest?  What about the Governor?  Is he willing to sacrifice Aronberg's reputation for his own personal gain?  Or expose himself to unnecessary criticism?  Let the voters decide!

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